Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's always awkward the first time.

I spent a good hour on The Wayback Machine, and decided to hit up my old website. Not my old portfolio, but my old "personal page" from high school. There it was, in all it's pink, angst-riddled, teenage whining glory. I was rather impressed that I managed to avoid talking like a cell phone, which unfortunately is something alot of teens have been struggling with for the past year or so. A friend of mine teaches 3rd grade in Hamilton, and he and I got into a discussion about lauguage and teaching. I was suprised to hear that not only was he (much to the chagrin of the Catholic School Board, eep! My friends are rebels, y'all.) giving the children a bit of a heads up regarding the fact that once they get older, they'll be actually writing less and less and thus it's not that important to learn cursive writing, but he recently taught them to use Powerpoint.
I don't even know how to use Powerpoint.
Neither did half the staff, because they seemed genuinely shocked when he presented the kids' final projects. They didn't do half bad.
Now, when I was in 3rd grade, we didn't have Powerpoint, let alone anything resembling a computer. We made lifesize paper models of the various workings of the human body out of construction paper, glue, and fearless motivation. My group had the circulatory system. We spent days making the little veins and arteries, cutting out what seemed like hundreds of long, thin pieces of blue and red paper respectively.
I was so proud of that thing. We had to pick a number between 1 and 10 to see who would get to take it home.
I didn't win.
I went home and cried to my mom, because I thought I worked the hardest on it, and my veins and ateries were the best ones. The other girl cheated. Someone must have told her the number when they overheard the teacher. I was sure of it.
It would have been a killer blog.