Saturday, May 16, 2009

I am 15 years old; also I want a sparkling vampire boyfriend.

Raise your hand if you enjoy totally contrived ridiculous fiction in the form of an atrociously written vampire (and I use that term loosely) romance novel.

Me either. At least, not yet. I have yet to read Twilight, the world's current pre-teen-targeted cash cow...but I liked the movie.

I'm sorry.


Hate me if you will. I admit it was no cinematic masterpiece. It was actually quite poorly made. The acting was mediocre, the dialogue was TERRIBLE...but when the credits rolled, all I could think of was how badly I wanted my very own chalky-toned, amber-eyed, vampire boyfriend. Who sparkles in sunlight. And doesn't feed on humans. Because that ain't cool, apparently.

It's partially this guy's fault:

That would be Jackson Rathbone, my new boyfriend. He's in a band called 100 monkeys that base most of their songs on improv. He's also very talented at playing a schizophrenic. Saw it on some show called "Criminal Minds", which I believe to be American? Anyway. There's my latest unattainable goal whom I have pictures of on my PC.

I mean I don't.

Back to Twilight. As a film, it was complete garbage. But the story...Stephanie Meyer, as crazy and trapped-in-an-emo-teenager's-body as she may be, knows exactly what every single one of us has at least once in our lives thought OMG EVERLASTING LOVE WITH THE PERFECT GUY SWOONY MCFLAWLESS (AND OH LOOK HE'S A VAMPIRE HOW FRIGGIN RAD IS THIS) get the point.

I have a few friends that enjoy it also, for the same reasons. Well that, and the fact that the male cast is prettier than what's even remotely fair.

Avoiding the screaming eleventeen year olds at book releases though (I save that shit for Harry Potter, bitches.), I can admittedly like this film and poke as much fun at it as I like, because,'s easy. Rifftrax ripped it up amazingly, as usual. If you've never heard the guys from MST3K before, I recommend them with the highest recommendation I can....recommend.

I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore.


I hope I never write anything like this again. I should be shot. WHy am I even still awake?


Moe said...

Ahh, yes. The dream of every young pubescent girl: an emo yet hunky boyfriend who sparkles like glitter and diamonds when he is in the sunlight.

Unfortunately, I myself only turn a few shades darker if I am long enough in the sun and don't sparkle at all. Maybe that explains my lack of ladies in high school. ;-(

Anyway, another good post, Laura.


Laura said...


Anonymous said...

Hey laura, it's beth, I avoided the series for a while but on a whim, decided to read before I watch. This began my obsession, 4 insanely thick books were devoured in 10 days.. Yes it disturbs me.. And have now begun vampire book series searches at the library to feed the addiction.. I love it

Anonymous said...

Interesting post feminist opinion piece from the British press which talks about the roots of the film's success being the appeal to "one of the unique, specific secrets of female sexuality" - that women find androgyny sexy.

I think the Twilight media package also managed to be in the right place at the right time. I've been trying to work out why the zeitgeist is so interested in undead right now and am starting to wonder if it's linked to the economic cycle. Nosferatu was clearly a product of the post WW1 dip, the classic RKO horrors where diversion from the great depression and the 70's spawned the whole Goth thing (Bauhaus anyone?). The economic crap's hit the fan again and we're seeing things like "Lat den ratte komma in" and Max Brook's World War Z book and film generate huge interest.

I guess the question is when we're all rich again and the undead are back in their boxes will women still find girlyboys hot?

Christie said...

haha. Moe wants a vampire boyfriend so badly. He talks about it in his sleep.

Just FYI.

Great post, Laura